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20 tricks to make small kitchens look bigger

20 tricks to make small kitchens look bigger


We all want a big kitchen with big windows full of natural light. In practice, it is not possible for everyone to achieve this dream; But this is not going to upset. You may run out of space in a small kitchen, but at least you can make the kitchen look big and cozy. There are tricks to this. In this article, we will introduce you to 20 tricks to make a small kitchen look bigger.


1. Use white

White is the best color for decorating small kitchens. This color reflects light and gives a sense of spaciousness. By choosing white color for cabinets, ceilings, walls and counters, you create an unlimited space.


2. Combine levels

By matching the surface of the walls and on the cabinets, the kitchen looks bigger. When you use the same color and design for the surfaces, the space becomes more integrated and therefore larger.

3. Available storage space

Have storage space available to make the kitchen look bigger

Easy-to-use cabinets and shelves are one of the simplest ways to avoid the clutter of small kitchens.

4. Replacement in cabinets with glass

Removing the cabinet or replacing it with a glass door will make the kitchen look bigger. This makes the space deeper and the walls look farther away. Of course, to implement this idea, you must always keep the cabinets neat and tidy. You can use this trick not for everyone, but for some cabinets.

5. Connection with outer space

Depending on the space and design of the house, you may be able to remove a wall and connect the kitchen to the outside space. This does not add to the space of your kitchen, but it does make more light reach the kitchen and make the space look more spacious.

6. Widening the floor

To make the kitchen look bigger, use designs that make the floor appear wider.

The design of some tiles or floor and wall coverings makes the space look depressing and closed, while some patterns have the opposite effect. Use designs and patterns to cover the floor that make the space look wider.

7. Focus on height

Attracting the eyes in a vertical direction upwards, makes the ceiling height more visible. Place decorative items on cabinets. For more effect, use patterns that match the color and background design.

8. Avoid the crowds

Filling cabinets and counters with all kinds of cooking utensils will both make the kitchen look smaller and narrow your work space. In small kitchens, it is best to place appliances in cabinets as much as possible. You can replace large appliances with smaller ones. For example, one The difference between a toaster and a microwave, Being the latter is the latter. So if for you, the use of the microwave is limited to heating food and bread, it is better to allocate its space to smaller appliances.

9. Hidden Hood

Using a hidden hood instead of regular hoods has a significant effect on making the kitchen space look bigger.

10. Creative lighting

Have creative lighting to make your kitchen look big

When kitchen lighting is creative, few people pay attention to the size or smallness of your kitchen.

11. Using classic designs

Classic designs and patterns, such as large tiles, always make the space look bigger. Use neutral and bright colors to create a classic design.

12. Use high glass cabinets

Use high glass cabinets to make the kitchen look bigger

Glossy and reflective surfaces make the kitchen space more spacious. Using a mirror (if possible) has a similar effect.

13. Use of herbs

Flowers and plants, in any space, including the kitchen, is invigorating, especially if the kitchen has natural light. Why not use this blessing ?!

14. Seats without backrest

Use backless chairs to make the kitchen look bigger

Armchairs without backrest are easily placed under the counter and take up less space. In choosing chairs, use a color that matches the countertop and kitchen space.

15. Functional use of space

Take advantage of any space, even if it seems unusable; For example, if possible, you can install hooks or shelves on the wall above the stove to place kitchen utensils.

16. Movable island or cabinets

Use an island or a moving cabinet to make the kitchen look bigger

For more storage space, you can use a kitchen island or a moving cabinet, especially at the entrance. When entering and exiting, you can easily move it.

17. Using natural light

If your kitchen has windows, do not cover them with curtains if possible. Natural light plays a significant role in making the kitchen space look bigger.

18. Use carpet or rug

Use rugs or carpets to make the kitchen look bigger.

When you do not have many options for designing a kitchen to make it look bigger, with a rug or rug on the floor, you at least breathe life into the space. When choosing a rug or carpet, choose a design and color that will not make the kitchen look crowded and depressing.


19. Eye-catching decoration

Expanding the space with white or light colors does not mean that nothing else should disturb this uniformity; For example, the addition of wooden shelves creates both eye-catching contrast and space for kitchen appliances.


20. Communication with the outdoors

If the location of the building allows, create an open space in the kitchen (such as a yard or backyard). You can use this space for storage and even with a little paint and glaze, for entertaining guests.

How is your kitchen? If it is small, how do you use the space? What do you do to make your kitchen more inviting?





20 tricks to make small kitchens look bigger

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